Acupuncture is the practice of placing ultra thin hollow needles into specific points on the body to stimulate self-healing, balance, and relief from various types of dysfunction in the body. Points are selected based on each individual’s needs in order to move Qi (“chee”) optimally through the energetic and myofascial pathways of the body.
When you book an acupuncture appointment, you are really booking a comprehensive East Asian medicine treatment. My primary modality is acupuncture, but I also practice and offer other East Asian modalities in these acupuncture sessions. This might include cupping, moxibustion, non-insertive Japanese style acupuncture, or Chinese herbal medicine - either in combination with acupuncture or in place of it.
All acupuncture appointments will include an intake and diagnostic assessment based off of the radial pulse, tongue, and channel palpation.